What we can do for you
Organisational Capacity Building
Package 1

Workshops, focus groups and coaching
We will customise a series of interactive workshops and/or coaching sessions that increase the knowledge and capacity of your team in all things social impact and evaluation. This build confidence and helps bring people on the journey of outcomes measurement.
Delivered online or in person the workshops and coaching sessions can cover the following topics*;
– Introduction to Social Impact Measurement
– Program Logic Models and Theory of Change
– The Nuts and Bolts of Outcomes Measurement—data collection methods and approaches
– Communicating Your Impact—reports, data visualisation and dashboards (PowerBI)
*if you have a specific topic or learning outcome in mind let us know and we will happily incorporate it.
Outcomes Measurement Frameworks
Package 2

You know what works, you see it every day. Why is it so hard to ‘prove’ it?
This is our most popular package. Using our highly collaborative four step process we work together to develop an outcomes measurement framework that won’t require a new IT system or significant change management.
1. Discover: we become familiar with your work, build enthusiasm and capacity within the organisation, engaging key stakeholders and identify opportunities and barriers along the way.
2. Design: we work together to discover your outcomes and indicators through research, observation, focus groups and conversations with staff, volunteers and clients. We use our findings to develop your Theory of Change and Logic Model/s.
3. Measure: we decide on measurement methods and develop your data collection tools and plan. We subscribe to a natural data gathering approach which focuses on reducing the administration burden of data collection on staff, particularly people in client facing roles.
4. Maintain: we provide you with a user guide, a train the trainer package, an implementation plan and ongoing coaching if needed. All this will help you collect the data you need to tell your story.
Evaluations, Social Return on Investment and Cost Benefit Analysis
Package 3

How do you know if you’ve achieved what you set out to?
FPE will use existing data (an established outcomes framework is recommended) and conduct additional research to provide you with an evaluation, a cost benefit analysis or social return of investment report. The report can take any format you choose, it can be a digital dashboard, interactive webpage or a written report.
We will work collaboratively with your staff and clients to understand what changed, for who and most importantly, why?
Call now for a free quote and needs assessment.
A scope assessment enables us to determine what you’re hoping to achieve. We can make recommendations around where to start and which packages you will benefit from.
Call: +61 467 504 014